Lessons Learned for National Career Development Month

Cassie Denger in Employee Spotlight 27 November, 2018

When was the last time you thought about your career progression, or set tangible goals that could help you develop in the workplace? November is National Career Development Month, which should remind us all about steps to take to achieve future success.

I’ve worked at Fort Pitt as a client relationship specialist for 2.5 years, where I’ve focused my career on asset servicing and building relationships with our clients. However, when I think about my future progress here, I’m excited to build my career at Fort Pitt, and am actually working closely with the staff to inevitably shift into the role of an advisor one day. While this will be a big career move, there are lessons I’ve learned that I thought fitting to share in light of this special month.

Admittedly, I’m usually a more risk-averse person, so you might be asking what spurred my inclination to make this career jump. First, I’m lucky that my mentors at Fort Pitt have truly guided me toward this path, and have allowed me to flourish in my CRS role, but provided the confidence and help in expanding my knowledge to know that I can take on the role of advisor. Second, my current role as CRS has really provided a foundation of hard and soft skills that will translate into the advisory role. Here are some lessons that I can pass along to readers when it comes to career progression:

  • It starts with you. For me, I have an inherent interest in becoming an advisor. I really enjoy developing relationships and helping people meet goals. I recognized this passion and am confident in having the CRS building blocks, that I can make this transition. Others at Fort Pitt have recognized this in me as well, which has helped to further develop my progression here. It’s important to ask for help, and be driven to always take colleagues up on their willingness to share professional guidance.
  • Don’t be scared of “tough” conversations. It may seem daunting to sit down with a boss and discuss your future, and if that may shift from one role into another, but in my experience, I had to have those tough conversations to truly understand and springboard my progression. I think it’s easy for people to simply change jobs and move companies when things get hard, but it’s important to take challenges head on, and see if you can progress in a current role, because that is where you will find true passions.
  • Never stop learning. My mentors at Fort Pitt allow me to sit in on client meetings and listen in on calls. I soak up every single minute of client interactions that I can because one day, I’ll be that advisor interacting with clients of varying needs. I keep my eyes and ears open and have become a sponge to anything that can relate to the role of an advisor. If you are looking to progress in your career, education is key – study new things, learn or hone in on skills that can amplify your career. Be hungry every single day to understand new things about your industry.

This month, think about where you are in your career and where you want to be. I hope that in my own journey from one role to another, there are lessons – no matter the industry – that can help to inspire progression and success.

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