Home Project Planning 101

Fort Pitt Capital Group in Webinar 24 March, 2022

No matter how big or small your renovation plans are, the steps remain the same. Proper research and planning, plus a little help from professionals, can help you make the most of your budget. Watch Financial Advisor Kaitlyn Haney host designer, Catherine Montague, as they discuss:

– How to build short-term savings
– Planning your budget
– Benefits of working with a professional
– Project planning and the design process

Catherine is the founder and principal designer of Montague Designs, a Pittsburgh-based interior design and international sourcing firm. Catherine’s French heritage, foreign language studies, and love of travel and cultural differences come together to form her unique design perspective. As a female business owner, Catherine takes pride in supporting women in her community. She is the Chapter Leader of Inspired Women Paying it Forward, Sewickley, which focuses on connecting women and giving back to women locally and globally.


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