Employee Spotlight: Mary Giconi

FPCG in Employee Spotlight 28 March, 2018

For our latest Employee Spotlight, we spent time with Mary Giconi, who has recently joined Fort Pitt as our Chief Compliance Officer. Given her experience, we discussed her professional background, some fun facts about her, and the best pizza spot in the Pittsburgh region.

How did you end up at FPCG?

I’ve had a working relationship with Fort Pitt for many years through my former employer. What drew me to join the company is the culture and the fact that the firm is focused on client service. Our firm provides investment advice to the individual and not just their financial accounts.

What is your job title and how did you begin working in the field?

I oversee all aspects of compliance as Chief Compliance Officer at Fort Pitt. I majored in business at Westminster College and initially thought about going to law school. I fell into compliance as an offshoot and have been there for the last 20 years. I love the similarities between the two professions, especially finding practical solutions to the constantly changing regulations in the financial services industry.

What are some of your hobbies outside of work?

I enjoy gardening when I’m not working. It’s a great way to get my home ready for spring and summer. Aside from that, I love going on motorcycle rides with my husband and finding unique places to eat in and around Pittsburgh. If you’re ever in the area, I highly recommend going to Jioio’s for pizza in Greensburg, PA. It’s an hour drive away but for my family it’s always worth the trip!

Do you have any travel plans this summer?

This summer I’ll be going to Italy with my son. He plays in a youth orchestra in Pittsburgh that’s going to perform at historical sites around Italy. We’ll be going to Rome, Venice and Florence. I’m most excited to see the Vatican and Sistine Chapel while we’re there.

Where has been your favorite place to travel to?

I’ve only had the opportunity to travel abroad twice in my life. I’m going to Italy this year and my husband and I were lucky enough to travel to Paris for our honeymoon. Such a romantic and beautiful place. Aside from that, every summer my family and I go camping. It’s a great way to spend time together and enjoy the outdoors.

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