How We Choose Stocks

    Fort Pitt’s Financial Advisors, Skylar Riddle, CFP®, and Richard Roberto, CFP®, host Partner and Chief Investment Officer Daniel T. Eye, CFA®, and Investment Analyst Christopher Barto as they share how our team decides what stocks we add to our clients' portfolios. They will cover your questions on the following topics: Fort Pitt’s[...] Continue reading
7 February, 2024

All About Trusts

    Fort Pitt’s Financial Advisors, Bryson Roof, CFP® and Bill Engel, CFP® host Andrew Rusniak from McNees Wallace & Nurick to discuss what to know about trusts. They cover a range of topics, including: What is a trust Common types of trusts and reasons to use them Who needs a trust How to establish a trust What is the cost[...] Continue reading
12 January, 2024

Seven Smart Tax Saving Tips

Fort Pitt Captial Group’s Financial Advisor Beth Lynch, CFP®, educated high-income earners about smart tax-saving tips and strategies to implement in the new year. View the webinar or scroll down to read the transcripts. There aren’t any earth-shattering new tax laws for 2024. Most of the changes are inflation[...] Continue reading
11 December, 2023

Charitable Giving: Making a Lasting Impact Through Donations

*Scroll down for the full video.* My name is Chris Chaney. I am a senior financial advisor with Fort Pitt Capital Group. We are a money management firm with offices in Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and Naples, Florida. We provide comprehensive, planning-based portfolio management for individuals, institutions, businesses, and endowments across the country. Our sole focus is[...] Continue reading
4 December, 2023

Orchids 101: Moth Orchid Culture

    From growing orchids to growing your wealth, Fort Pitt hosts Tim Choltco to discuss how to make sure that you have the extra income to live your retirement your way, which could include growing orchids! From finances to flowers, they cover various topics such as: Preretirement tips and tricks Planning for fun, including hobbies or travel[...] Continue reading
27 October, 2023

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