22 September, 2020
Webinar: Understanding Medicare
Medicare can be confusing with all its parts, (A, B, D) supplements, and more. But it’s an important health and financial security resource for older people and people with disabilities. The more you understand Medicare, the better you can make decisions for your situation and your coverage. That’s why we hosted a webinar all about understanding Medicare. We were[...] Continue reading16 September, 2020
Webinar: Income And Estate Planning for Pre-Retirees And Business Owners
We recently hosted a webinar for business owners and pre-retirees about estate tax and income planning to answer questions that often come up. Brad Newman from our Harrisburg office moderated the virtual event with guests Steven J. Schiffman, Esquire of SCHIFFMAN, SHERIDAN & BROWN, P.C. and Christopher M. Shive, CPA of Martin M. Sacks & Associates, who lent[...] Continue reading27 August, 2020