Trending in the Cyber Criminal World: Personalized Scams

Unfortunately, cyber criminals continue to evolve and invent new ways to steal individual’s money or information. One new technique that is becoming more apparent is personalized scams: when a cyber criminal finds or purchases a database of people’s names, passwords, phone numbers or other details, and then targets the individual through this information. The new[...] Continue reading
6 February, 2019

Learn How to Search Yourself Online: Will Hackers Like What They Find?

When it comes to online security and protecting personal information, it can be difficult to know what is publicly available. The most recent SANS newsletters dives into how people can find what information is readily available about them online, and how hackers take advantage of this information. One way to start is to research yourself online through a process called,[...] Continue reading
11 January, 2019

Devices Come & Go…Here’s How to Dispose of Them Properly

Every fall, the long-awaited release of Apple’s newest product update arrives, marking just one of many frequent advancements in consumer technology. With such advancements, it can lead to many people switching to the newest smartphones, watches, tablets and more at record rates. These switches come with unique cybersecurity concerns - people do not give much thought[...] Continue reading
8 October, 2018

How to Protect Your Smart Home From Hackers

In today’s digital world, everything from your lightbulbs to your locks, your TV speakers to even your car, can be connected to the internet and controlled by a handheld device. While these devices add convenience, smart home devices also bring unique cybersecurity dangers. The main issue? The more devices you have connected to the internet the easier it is for[...] Continue reading
29 August, 2018

The Art of Dodging Phone Call Scams & Attacks

Not all cyber criminals are evil geniuses. Many cyber attacks happen with an old-fashioned phone call, mainly because there are fewer security regulations and it’s easier to convey emotion to trick people. Here are the most common clues a phone scam is happening: The caller identifies as a government tax department or tax collection service to squeeze your[...] Continue reading
25 July, 2018

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