Cash Balance Plans

Fort Pitt Capital Group in Webinar 22 July, 2022

The Business Owner’s Secret Investment Weapon

Watch Fort Pitt Capital Group’s Retirement Plan Services with Kevin Hefke from Dunbar, Bender & Zapf  in our webinar “Cash Balance Plans- The Business Owner’s Secret Investment Weapon.” Discover the surprising benefits of Cash Balance pension plans and how professionals can stop leaving money on the table. We cover everything from what a Cash Balance Plan is, how it works, and what it can do for your business and your employees.

Interested in more resources? Business owners can learn more about our 401(k) Retirement Plan Services here or contact us today!


*Content is provided for educational purposes only.  Opinions provided include endorsements of the products and services provided by Fort Pitt; however are not indicative of any specific client experience or testimonial.

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